Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Vermont- A State Of Organic Living

Last week I had the pleasure to vacation in the state of Vermont. This beautiful green mountain state is well known for it's dairy farms, produce, cheeses, strong communities, Organic Living, covered bridges and of course maple syrup. I had such a thrill sampling different grades of maple syrups and cheeses that were made right there on farms the natural way. I later learned that the major brands of pancake syrup have none to 4 percent of pure maple syrup added. So if you had a taste of pure and natural maple syrup you'll never go back to the store brands again. The same is true for the cheeses. The taste of the cheeses are flavorful, vibrant and full of healthy enzymes. The folks who prepare the maple syrups and cheese put a lot of care into them.
Vermont have several communities or towns that are centered on "Town Green", which is like in the center part of town the community hosts events such as concerts, antique car shows, vendors and farmers' markets. While admiring a covered bridge in Woodstock, Vermont I noticed a man setting up a table on the "Town Green". Later I found out that vendors and local farmers will be out to sell their products. I had a good time to see so many Organic vegetables , and Organic baked goods. One of the baked goods that impressed so much was the Organic Fruit pies. They were beautiful! If you're craving fruit pies why not make it Organic.
The people of Vermont believe in supporting their communities by buying locally grown Organic food. This helps the flow of money in their community, saves energy, less packaging, encourage farmers to work and benefits the landscape. By working together I know that the love and strength for their land will be handed down from generations to generations.
I hope you get a chance to visit Vermont one day and who knows you may see me eating a slice of an Organic Fruit pie.

Wishing You Well,
Sherlyn Edmonson

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Organic Pear Trees

About 10 years ago my husband and I stumbled upon two pears trees in the middle of a vacant lot not far from where we live. The unkempt lot is covered with weeds and tall grass so we take my husband's truck to get to the pears trees. Every year around the end of September we would go pear picking. If the rainfall was good during the previous months the harvest would be plentiful. Since these pears remained untouched from harmful pesticides I know that they are truly safe to eat and are considered Organic Fruit. Some of these Organic pears are unattractive in appearance and I may occasionally find a fruit maggot(requires extra cleaning) but that does not stop me from enjoying the healthful benefits from these green gems. Hey I eat Organic Fruit for what it's doing inside my body not for what it looks on the outside. Organic Fruit is expensive and this is one way I can enjoy at least one type of Organic Fruit free during early fall.

If you are thinking of planting an Organic Fruit tree a small back yard or garden is enough space. Most fruit trees blossom with beautiful flowers and a heavenly scent(lemon and lime trees have a wonderful fragrance) An apple tree such as a crab apple is a great start. Uncanniest to me and my husband planted an apple tree in our backyard about 3 years ago and thought it was a non bearing apple tree. Well a month ago we noticed green apples growing now. Pollination is a factor. There are some fruit trees that need pollination and some are self pollinating. Talk with your nursery to find out what's best for you. So with a little patience because it takes a few years before your fruit tree produces you will be harvesting Organic Fruit before you know it!

Wishing You Organically Well,

Sherlyn Edmonson

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Natural Beauty

Everyday we make a decision about what article of clothing we are going to wear. Should we do the same when it comes to our decision about what we put on our skin? What we put on our skin goes deeper than we think. You see our skin is like a sponge and can absorb anything that is put on it. A Skincare regimen that includes a myriad of cosmetics and cleansers that contain chemical emulsifiers and preservatives is not beneficial for your skin. Overtime our skin becomes loaded with these poisons and may cause illness.
Organic Natural Skin Care products promote healthy and supple skin. The ingredients listed on these products contains Organic and Natural substances that you sometimes can eat! With this in mind our skin is getting some good food stuff. Organic Natural Skincare encourages healthy skin naturally. It doesn't matter if your young or old we all benefit from the beauty of Organic Natural Skincare. Make sure that your product reads USDA ORGANIC so that you get the full advantage of healthy skin. Also our skin is the largest organ of our body so feed it well!

Wishing You Well,
Sherlyn Edmonson